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Common Warning Signs You Need An Electrical Service Panel Upgrade In Kenosha, WI


In the anatomy of your home, the electrical panel is like the heart of your household. It sends an electrical current through the circuits in order to power everything from your toaster to your air conditioner. The panel determines exactly how much power your outlets receive, and if it’s outdated, you may experience electrical shortages and other kinds of glitches. As a full-service electrical company, Current Electric specializes in providing an electrical service panel upgrade in Kenosha, WI. Updating your panel may be your solution to several electrical issues. Here are three ways to tell your outdated electrical panel needs attention.

Frequently Tripped Breakers

Circuit breakers are designed to trip when an inconsistency in the flow of electricity is detected. This prevents the circuit from overheating and possibly causing a fire. It’s an important safety feature, but if you find yourself taking a trip to the breaker box on a regular basis, that’s a clear sign something is wrong with your electrical panel. Constantly having to reset breakers is an inconvenience, but it’s also a safety hazard. Schedule an electrical service panel upgrade in Kenosha, WI to protect your property.

Dimming Lights

Have you ever noticed that when you turn on your vacuum, the lights in your home dim? This is because the vacuum is pulling energy away from the lights before the electrical panel has a chance to adjust to the increased amount of needed energy. In most cases, it only takes a second for the lights to return to their proper brightness. If your lights remain dimmed while you vacuum or use other appliances, it’s time to update your service panel.


On average, electrical service panels have a lifespan of 25-40 years. If your panel falls somewhere within that range, it is most likely in poor condition and ready to be replaced. Older buildings were built in a time when people didn’t rely on electricity as much as they do now. Breaker boxes came with only a few circuits, and it simply isn’t practical—or safe—to power your home with an outdated service panel. An electrical service panel upgrades in Kenosha, WI will bring your household into the 21st century.

The service professionals at Current Electric take pride in their work and they’re dedicated to providing clients with the best electrical repairs and upgrades in town. To ask them about an electrical service panel upgrade in Kenosha, WI, give them a call today.
