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Superhero of the Week: Abby Martin

Superhero of the Week: Abby Martin

This week we congratulate Abby Martin, a senior at Franklin High School, as our Superhero of the Week!

Abby is a young adult who loves to challenge herself, always taking on new opportunities as they present themselves. From cross-country, to golf, academics to dance, there is no activity outside of her reach!

Abby has participated on the girls' golfing teams for years, recently placing 5th at conference, setting a personal record, and making 1st team all-conference. The only thing that outshines her golf swing would be her dance skills.

Competitive dancing is a passion for Abby, having danced with Next Step Dance Studio for 15 years, eleven of which were spent in competitions both locally and nationally. In addition, Abby has had the opportunity to dance in both the Disney and Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parades! Despite all this, she still manages to find the time to mentor other students by becoming president of her studio's chapter of the National Honors Society for Dance Arts.

Her extracurriculars do not end there either, Abby is the co-president and fundraising committee leader for her chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America. And if this were not enough, Abby has been a member of the National Honors Society, ranking in the top 7% of her class, with an incredible 4.5 GPA!

"I can't wait for what the future holds and I hope to continue building great relationships" -Abby Martin
