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Superhero of the Week: Nora Hirthe

Noah Deibert

This week we congratulate Nora Hirthe of St. Thomas More High School as our Current Electric Super Hero Of The Week!

I am currently a senior at St. Thomas More High School. Throughout the past four years, I have participated in many sports and clubs including: Volleyball, Irish dance, Softball, Track, National Honors Society, and student council. Along with

these activities my weighted cumulative GPA is a 4.2 and my current weighted GPA is a 4.7.

I have balanced both sports and academics my entire life and have learned to excel in both. This is currently my fourth year playing high school volleyball and I am one of the varsity captains. I also play club volleyball which occurs six months of the year! Along with volleyball I am also an Irish dancer.

Dance has been a part of my life for fourteen years and I have accomplished many things through this sport. This past April, I traveled to Belfast, Ireland for the World Championships of

Irish Dance. My team and I took 11th place and I got to meet many different people and gain a lot of new experiences and knowledge of my Irish culture.

Academically, I have exceled throughout all four years of high school with having highest honors every year as well as being accepted into the National Honors Society my junior year.

At the end of my junior year, I was elected to be

the President of the National Honors Society chapter at my school. This entails my participation in over 40 hours of service a year, through my school as well as my community. This has enhanced my leadership skills as well as pushed me to excel even more academically.

I recently joined student council where I have begun to focus more on participating in school events and showing school spirit to motivate and push others to excel as well. My positive mentality and sense of inclusivity has also pushed me to step out of my comfort zone and to create a stronger and better environment in my school community.

Next year, I plan on majoring in psychology and hopefully continuing to participate in sports and activities in my college community. My experiences through my extracurriculars have inspired me to help others and spread kindness

and respect to my peers. I eventually want to be able to help others and change the view of mental health in my community.

Thank You Nora for ALL that you DO and ALL that you ARE!!
