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Superhero of the Week: Ralph Audi

Ralph Audi

This week, we congratulate Ralph Audi of New Berlin West High School for being named Superhero of the Week. 

As a senior at New Berlin West Middle & High School, I have had the honor of spending the last 5, now 6, years at this school.

Ever since my first day as a 7th grader, opportunities were presented to me left and right to be able to grow in all aspects of my life. I’ve built lifelong friendships, learned from great teachers, taken mind-blowing classes, and participated in many interesting activities.

I’ve participated in (and still participate in) the French Honors Society, French Club, Mu Alpha Theta (math honors society), Math Team, National Honors Society, Tri-M (music honors society), Orchestra, Student Ambassadors Leadership Union (our student government), Soccer, Chess Club, and
International Club.

I am also the founder and President of the club called “The ORGAN-ization”, which focuses on the human body (hence the pun!). I have additional leadership positions in the French Honors Society as the Vice President and the Chess Club as the co-President.

Outside of the school-affiliated activities I’m a part of, I love to weight-lift, practice and make music, and learn new languages and cultures. I taught myself Arabic and have also been learning French in school for the past five years. I even recently started learning Spanish at home. I love connecting with others and learning about different cultures, and music and languages have been vital for those passions.

After I finish the rest of my senior year and eventually graduate, I plan on attending college and majoring in Biomedical Engineering. I’ve always loved problem-solving, and I have a really strong background and passion for math and science, so going into a field like Biomedical Engineering feels natural.

After college, I’d like to either become a Biomedical Engineer or go into Medical School to become an Orthopedic Surgeon.

I can’t thank my family, friends, community members, and the amazing teachers and staff at New Berlin West enough for how much they have supported me throughout my academic career. I’ve struggled lots throughout my high school journey, but it has always been comforting knowing I have such great people in my corner to help me keep going.